It goes without saying that my time in Europe has easily been the best six months of my life. I’ve gotten to explore so many amazing places, meet so many interesting people, try so many new things, and live a way of life that is completely different than what I was used to back home. Returning back home is a very bittersweet moment for me- there are a few things I miss from home and many things I’m going to miss about being abroad. Some of the things I miss from Texas are my friends and family, a better sense of routine, free bathrooms, and Mexican food. Some of the things I know I’ll miss about Europe are the public transport, the cheaper prices, the amazing people, the more relaxed lifestyle, the ease of traveling, the culture, the food, the beautiful landmarks and landscapes, going on late night walks, and even living with 10 roommates from places around the world.
While my time abroad has been absolutely wonderful, I will say there were a few things that were different from what I initially expected. One thing that was different than what I thought was the structure of school. In Spain, final exams are weighted a lot heavier than in the US, so there is a lot of pressure in the last few weeks to study and prepare very well for those exams. In the end it turned out fine, but there were definitely a few weeks where I was in the library all day instead of enjoying tapas and sangria!
Living in Europe for six months has definitely changed my perspective on life as a whole. After interacting with so many people from all around the world, I’ve learned to enjoy every little moment of life and be so grateful for all the opportunities I have, including the chance to study abroad and attend a great university. While I am and always will be a hard worker, I’ve gotten to experience a way of life that works to live rather than the American live to work mindset. This has been so refreshing to experience, as I’ve met so many people who live very interesting and exciting lives and are able to pursue their passions outside of their careers. There are so many beautiful things to experience, and a satisfying life is not obtained through living in your comfort zone and never pushing yourself to try new things. Being abroad, I’ve traveled to so many new places, tried new foods, and built memories I could never have done had I stayed in the comfort of home. I realized that true happiness is not built from having money and material possessions, but from experiencing as many things as you can in this silly little life we are given, because why would we exist on this crazy, dynamic, mysterious, diverse, amazing, beautiful planet if we are not meant to experience everything it has to offer?