My preconceived notions or expectation of Barcelona was built through fear. I had family and friends telling me how dangerous it was going to be, this made me afraid. However, I am still not fully at ease. It has been challenging and rewarding. I expected Barcelona to be filled with beautiful streets and homes, the streets are dirty and the homes are covered in graffiti. While I have seen some beautiful sights like the Barcelona Cathedral, Casa Batllo Gaudi, and La Padrera; I am ready to go back home where I find comfort. I do not mean to be negative, I feel like this trip is going to be very beneficial to me as it has been teaching me how to be more independent. I have just never stepped this far out of my comfort zone before. I also expected it to be harder to communicate with locals but so far I have been able to communicate without a background in Spanish. I did not do my research before I came, I was shocked to see how big the city is and how lively it is at night. My perspective on Barcelona being dangerous has only slightly changed. While I understand the metro well I am still surrounded by fears. I am afraid of walking anywhere alone or being anywhere alone without my class. My reflection on the Aggie community that has been built in Barcelona is that it has been easy to find people to stick along with. I have made friends to do laundry with, travel with, grocery shop with, and much more. My roommate and I have really begun to connect, I feel that we are in this together. My discovery of Spain so far is that despite my fears and challenges I have faced I have seen beautiful and influential sights. This weekend we took a trip to Blanes- Costa Brava and it was truly beautiful seeing the ocean from the Botanical Gardens. We explored and found secret spots, we followed a few people in swimsuits that led us to the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. This treasure spot was far from the tourist attractions. I am excited to see where this trip takes me and the many places I have the privilege to see. The question that I am still working through is “How do I overcome my fears?” I try to stay in the moment but I find myself counting down the days until I go home. I hope that this is just temporary and that I still need some time to adjust.