Upon arriving in Prague, I was met with a wave of uncertainty and nervousness, as it fully set in that I would be living in the Czech Republic for the next semester. I really didn’t know anyone else going, besides the two other students from Texas A&M, whom I had only met briefly at the pre-departure orientation meetings. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit scared that I had made a mistake that I would soon come to regret. However, once I met my new roommates, one from England and two others from Finland, my worries were quickly eased, as we got along very quickly. My classes did not start for a week after I arrived, so it gave me a chance to bond with my roommates and other exchange students, and get acclimated with my surroundings before my classes started. Me and my roommate even took a trip to Krakow the first weekend after I arrived, giving me a taste of what it was like traveling through Europe. Before my first day of class, I was a little nervous, as I typically am when starting a new semester. Given the massive size of Texas A&M’s campus, it was not difficult at all to get my bearings, as there were only a few buildings on the VSE campus. Getting into a routine of going to class every day and starting the semester was very beneficial to me, as I was still a little homesick, and it gave me something to keep me busy and take my mind off of things. Although I had not completely gotten used to my new home just yet, the first two weeks of my exchange offered me a lot of valuable time to make friends and get settled in, allowing me to have a great rest of my semester.