Overall, this study abroad experience has changed my perspective on the world. I realized just how big the world is. There are so many different cultures, cuisines, and things that I had the opportunity to experience. I am beyond grateful for all of the experiences I had. I think my main takeaway was just how small my little world is. It can be easy to get caught up in the business of our day-to-day lives, but a few countries over, there is an entirely new world.
The trip unlocked my love for traveling, and I’m trying to find the quickest way I can get back to Europe. I loved immersing myself in the different cultures, especially trying all of the different foods. As for my initial impressions, I felt like most of them were fairly accurate. However, after interacting with a woman in London, I realized it wasn’t that they didn’t want to have small talk, it just isn’t a norm for them. I sparked up a conversation with her at a store in Borough Market, and after our conversation, she mentioned how she thought it was funny when I first started talking to her. However, once we were talking, she didn’t mind the conversation.
I’m sure that if I returned to each country I visited, I would learn ten new things each time. And with that, my impressions of the culture may change as well. However, with such quick stops in each country, I do feel that most of my impressions remained accurate. I learned so much during this trip, and I gained an entirely new perspective on the world around me.