Studying abroad in Barcelona offers a unique and enriching experience in understanding global business. Being adaptable and culturally aware is significant in global business. I learned the importance of understanding and respecting cultures while interacting with local companies in Barcelona. For instance, we visited Lear, an automotive company specializing in automotive seating and electrical systems. Lear Corporation thrives on cultural adaptability, making it a key factor in their international business strategy. Operating in 37 countries, they value diverse perspectives and practices, which helps them manage international teams effectively. They also included an employee percentage of each different nationality to highlight their diversity gaining from perspectives around the world. By valuing cultural differences, Lear stays relevant and competitive worldwide, proving that understanding and integrating various cultures is key to succeeding in the global market.
Along with cultural understanding, having multilingual abilities enhance business opportunities for relationship building. While many people in Barcelona speak English, knowing Spanish or Catalan can open even more doors. For example, I once attended a flamenco show in Barcelona and sat next to a woman who initially assumed I only spoke English. She offered to clink glasses, saying “Salud! This is what we do in Spain” in a condescending tone. When I responded in Spanish, she looked shocked yet relieved. Our conversation continued in her native language, and she opened up about her family and the importance of flamenco in her life. She shared how she grew up with the dance, and I related by telling her how it reminded me of home, having danced flamenco for ten years. We ended the night reflecting on the amazing show and our shared passion for flamenco. This experience made me realize that speaking Spanish transformed the interaction, allowing me to connect deeply and share meaningful experiences with her.
This trip has highlighted the importance of cultural understanding, relationship-building, and adaptability in global business. These experiences have not only broadened my business experience but also enhanced my personal growth, providing a different understanding of what it means to operate in an interconnected world.