Since arriving in Barcelona last Monday, I have learned so much! One of the most striking differences from my prior study abroad experience is the immediate sense of community. For the past six weeks, I have been studying abroad in Sorrento, Italy, with CIS Abroad. While my time there was life-changing, I found myself longing for the tight-knit community I had left behind in College Station. When I joined this program, I knew only a couple of the participants, which made me nervous about forming the deep connections I had back in Aggieland. However, my fears were quickly dispelled. The moment I stepped into our student housing, I was greeted by an abundance of welcoming students who didn’t hesitate to introduce themselves. After just one day in Barcelona, I had formed deeper relationships with my fellow students than I had in the past six weeks of my previous study abroad program. Having people to explore Barcelona with has made traveling incredibly fun and the memories even more special. I am so excited that this is just the beginning and cannot wait to reflect on all that I have learned and friendships I have made at the end of the program!