Looking back on my experience abroad, I can confidently say I have no regrets about my decision to attend this program. International finance was an incredibly interesting class and I think I learned more in these couple of weeks than most of my classes I’ve taken before. While the class was very tough, and at times hard to balance with the activities we had scheduled, Professor Rossi was very helpful in getting us prepared and providing us the opportunity to come with a good grade. The program was very helpful in getting us to places on the weekend as well. Some of the scheduling was difficult and some of the activities we did were not as impressive as I thought but they still provided us with the opportunity to travel within Europe. One of my favorite trips we took during the trip was our trip to Brussels to see the EU. The talk we had there was very anticlimactic but getting to go to Brussels as a part of the trip was incredible. I also enjoyed going to Basel, Switzerland but the talk there was also anticlimactic. However, we took a trip to a Mercedes plant in Germany and that was incredible. Overall, I loved my time in Europe and loved my time in Strasbourg. It was an incredible town and was also great to have a home base to go to while in our study abroad. I would recommend this trip to anyone!