Studying abroad in Italy was a unique opportunity that allowed me to holistically grow as an individual. From having classes in the midst of famous, historical sites to immersing myself in the rich culture, I gained a perspective on the world that I don’t think could’ve been attainable if I were to travel any other way. Especially since I had never been abroad before, the CIBS program provided the perfect opportunity for me to not only gain experience safely, but I was able to learn so much more about Italy just because of the way the program was set up. I really enjoyed how they paired Business Law and Global Leadership as the two courses we took during this experience because we were frequently applying what we learned in class to our business visits and day trips. For example, in our Global Leadership course, we learned all about the rise and fall of Rome and familiarized ourselves with global leaders who not only had a major influence during their time but continue to influence our lives today. Learning about this in class and then getting to apply what we learned during our day trip there just made everything come to life. I remember standing in the Forum and the Colosseum, thinking about the events that went on there and the people that roamed the area centuries ago. I also thoroughly enjoyed how hands-on and interactive our business visits were. From wine tasting to making leather wallets, I had a great time interacting and learning about the similarities and differences between conducting business in Italy versus in the US. Something that stuck out to me and surprised me the most was how much Italian businesses value quality over quantity compared to the US. Understanding how Italian businesses are still able to stay competitive without focusing so much on expanding their business opened my eyes and had me thinking about business from a new perspective.
As I close out this final entry, I just wanted to emphasize that the lessons I learned, the people I encountered, and the friends I made through this experience made for an unforgettable opportunity that I will cherish forever. I now have a new perspective on the beauty of exploring the world and can’t wait to build on this appreciation in the years to come!