Hi! My name is Lainey Broussard, and I am a rising junior accounting major from Houston, Texas. This past fall, I decided I wanted to study abroad, which has proven to be a worthwhile decision. I chose a faculty-led program based in Florence, Italy, for four weeks. We are studying MGMT 311 and IBUS 310. I have been living in Florence for just about a week now, yet it feels like I have been here for much longer. When I initially got here, I was pretty homesick, but I quickly settled in as my roommates, and I developed a routine. Within this one week, I have already learned countless lessons about European and Italian culture.
My apartment in Florence is located right next to the Duomo, so my first reaction to the city was awe. The entire city is filled with fascinating history, so there is something new to see or learn around each corner. The Florencians speak much English and will jump at the opportunity to help you learn. Their welcoming attitude has made me feel extremely at home and safe within this city. However, there are definitely things I miss about Texas. For starters, water here is not free and never comes with ice. You are also not expected to tip when you go out to eat. The Italian culture is very unique, and I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it. Through my International Business class, Professor Ken McFarland has given us a deeper understanding of the city by showing us its history and effects on the world. So, while I live in a tourist-heavy area of the city, I have seen lesser-known parts of Florence, which has made my experience much more meaningful. In the coming three weeks, I am excited to learn more about cultural differences and begin to understand their culture on a more personal level.