In the weeks prior to departing for New Zealand, I was overwhelmed with excitement about all that I would learn and see. However, my initial impression of the global business program surpassed my expectations due to the high impact structure of the program, the strength of the host countries culture, and the country’s unique industries. In terms of the program structure, I primarily anticipated straight forward learning, relative to textbook information. However, the itinerary set forth has led me to gain a deep understanding of international business, meet lifelong friends, and establish a deep respect for various cultures and people. New Zealand’s culture is extremely united and fascinating. I have specifically enjoyed learning about the All Blacks rugby team, Haka, and maritime history. In fact, at the Tamaki Māori Village, members spent hours teaching us about the tribes history and traditions. After teaching us about their culture, they sang a song from each home country of the audience to show respect for our cultures. The song for our group was Sweet Caroline. The gesture reflected the importance of spending time with people, learning about others cultures, and opening up about your own. It was truly an incredible experience. Furthermore, I have been surprised by local businesses within New Zealand. For instance maritime is deeply ingrained in the country’s history and modern businesses. Hobbiton and the All Blacks rugby team also bring in a lot of tourism and business, providing a different business model than international corporations. Only a few days into the trip, this study abroad experience has completely reformed my perspective. I hope to continue to learn more than I can imagine and broaden my horizons. Also, the United States and New Zealand have many similarities and differences. New Zealand’s unique approach to their environmental impact stood out to me. Almost everywhere we went used paper straws or paper sauce packets. On one trail we walked, there was a shoe cleaner built into the ground to prevent contaminated soil from spreading and harming species, which was very interesting. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed the program and cannot wait for the coming days!