I am so glad to finally be in New Zealand after our very long flight. I have really enjoyed everything I have seen so far including being able to see the Sydney Opera House as our plane landed in our connecting flight in Sydney. Arriving in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, I noticed how many cultures blend together in this unique region. Immediately, I noticed how Asian cultures merge with the region’s British background, all while having a strong reverence to the native Māori origins of the land. Seeing this melting pot of unique cultures and ideas is something I’m excited to learn more about during this trip. The next thing I noticed while we took our day trip to Hobbiton, the home of the Lord of the Ring’s The Shire, is how diverse and vast the beauty is of the New Zealand country side. It appears one minute there is vast rolling hills of farmland and sheep, and the next you are driving through what appears to be a rain forest. This unique landscape of this nation I am very excited to continue to witness as the trip progresses. The Māori culture possesses such unique and passionate characteristics from what I’ve experienced so far. Their strong commitment to preserving their values and their commitment to not only their family but there entire tribe has been extremely fascinating to see. Additionally, being able to visit Hobbiton was very interesting to learn about the effect Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy has had on this country. The films put the nation in the spotlight and had a extremely positive effect on the nation’s tourism industry. Moving forward for the rest of this trip, I am excited to travel down to Wellington, the nation’s capital before we fly to the South Island, where the nations scenic landscape really will be revealed. It is also interesting to notice the differences in culture between the U.S and New Zealand such as the cuisine present, religions practiced and how regular day to day behaviors differentiate between the nations.