Barcelona, one of the most diverse cities in all of world, has been more than I could have ever imagined. As a Hispanic, I came to Spain looking for an opportunity to learn about the history of my people and immerse myself in their culture, but I discovered that Barcelona’s culture is so much richer with a blend of all types of people from all corners of the world. Since I have been here, I have made friends from Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Norway, Brazil and the list goes on and on. Barcelona is an amazing place not only for its flavorful food, glorious architecture, and rich history but because of its people and their empathy. Although eating at the 4 Gats where Picasso used to come and meet with his friends was a surreal experience and the Castillo de Balto was an ethereal place, the friends I have bonded with have been the true gem of this place. They changed my view of the world and made me realize that my whole life I lived in a massive bubble. Often, I was quick to judge others and their decisions not knowing the entirety of their situation. Instantly, I realized that everyone’s story deserves to be heard, and these stories are each unique in their own complex way, resulting in many different beliefs and ideas, so it is crucial that we open our doors and learn to keep our ears open. Accepting different points of view no matter how different they may seem to us is a virtue, one that can only be attained through empathy, and you might be surprised to find even after meeting so many people, we are still at the tip of the iceberg. Altogether, I am extremely grateful to have been given the chance to come see the other side of our world, and in just a couple of days, I have made amazing friends, traveled to beautiful places, and tried mouth-watering food, but this journey has only begun, and I now know that I will leave here a completely different person in all the right ways.